Friday was a carol service at church and then I went out to eat with three friends which was a lot of fun! We had cake and milkshakes for dinner. At the Lemontwig Cafe in Ibn Batutta. (Yes, I know it's Limetree....we had a very hilarious time.)
sorry, it's blurry - Me, Chelsea, and J by the Christmas trees in Ibn Batutta =)
been drawing

Sunday we went to the desert with friends visiting from Bahrain, but it was cut short by lack of a proper 4 wheeler to accompany us, as you need to have more than one car to go out. Was an adventure though and we broke one of the tow ropes haha.
We've been getting ready for Christmas...wrapping presents and I've been drawing lots of cards. It's still warm though except for in the evening when it's "cool." Kind of. Doesn't feel like traditional Christmas but this is home and it's still a Christmas.
Last night we sang Christmas carols in Safa Park with a bunch of friends.
People are arriving home from uni already! It's awesome.
Like the Actors - Eisley EP is out today! Go buy it on iTunes, you won't be sorry =)