Tuesday, September 18, 2007

transiberian orchestra

(they really rock; classically as well)

Goede midag,

I still have to wear the wrist brace on and off for two weeks and do excercises. Other than that it's definitely improving.

I've been trying to record songs I wrote quite some time ago but am having trouble getting the files to the proper format needed to upload them to my music myspace. Oh well...in time you will hear them...maybe...

There's a band called mewithoutYou that I've been really getting into lately. They are really raw and their lyrics are very metaphorical and profound. I just bought the album "Brother, Sister" and have been listening to it nonstop. If you like lyrics that make you think, this is a really good group for that.



Anonymous said...

PLEASE post something new!!!!!

Kyleian said...

Scratch what I said a minute ago... it's www.drumofadifferentbeat.blogspot.com