Candle dance. Ky, Hannah, Elisabeth, yours truly.

No Talent Show.

DC was good. Very different from last year, in some good ways and others not so good but I can't really compare or contrast them well.
Thursday a bunch of us went to Mall of the Emirates for the Snow Park. Lisa and I rode the Equinox in Magic Planet upstairs afterwards. I was terrified and loved it.

It's been a fun, busy two weeks...very emotional though, with confusion and miscommunication and then other frustrations/disappointments. But good still and I'm thankful =)
Christine comes on Wednesday =)
have fun lipstickeaters.
I just noticed your profile is that you're a hippie.
Yeah right.
Well, you're kinda hippie-ish... I guess.
Sweet. Sounds fun.
are those guyz with the instruments twins?
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