at night in your chest
it's gold and it's glowing
with all the life you have left'
- Magnolia - The Hush Sound
This week...went to the desert with Christine, not far out at all though, sadly.
I want to watch this movie again.
"Curiouser and curiouser..."

Dad just got back from Japan and had a surprise for me! It's a case for my petite, the tiny one. Blythe stuff is so cutesy.

I haven't got a lot to report...we've mostly been doing school and hanging out with Christine. It's hard to think of things to do with everyone. The rain is nice though, especially the thunder. Not being able to go anywhere has been annoying though, and poor Christine isn't getting to see much. I've been sewing like crazy.
Just finished reading Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller. It was much better as you went a lot. It's a good book to read if you think about it as you go and don't just accept it - not that there's anything bad in it, you just need to consider it first.
The Hush Sound: is that a song?
The Hush Sound is a band (lovely soft indie), and Magnolia is a song. =)
should i listen to them?
i read that book...
Leah - Yes, you should. They're awesome. Very soft though, and beautiful.
Jessica - What did you think of it?
i've never seen the movie
"alice in Wonderland" go ahead and call me crazee
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