Christine left Wednesday =( We went to the snow park in the morning.

Dahlia V.
This is a new doll, from Global Village...she was made by Pakistani women in an organization in Hunza, a little village. It's hard to see but she's gorgeous and the face is painted beautifully.
A friend wanted to see more of the Blythe dresses I've made. Sadly these aren't for Dahlia to keep.
Some of you who are as dedicated to Eisley as I am may have already read of this on Trolleywood and Sherri's journal...but both Dupree girls' marriages are off...Chad is divorcing Sherri and Adam broke off the engagement with Chauntelle. This is not a gossip blog. I'm talking about it because I truly care about these people and I know some of you do too. It is heartbreaking - incredibly so for them. Boyd (their dad, in Trolleywood) has said that though it is the most painful and difficult thing that's happened to any of them, they aren't going to let it hold them back, and are leaning on God. It's a really good witness because Eisley isn't pushy about their faith but they have all posted verses that are comforting them right now. They're writing new songs, moving on, and trusting God. They're a close family. Aaand this means more tours for us. Not that I'll get to see them.
Ok, happier news.
We know a little bit about what will happen this summer now. So far -
- Ky and I are going to India over Easter break with our youth group!
- I'm going to the Ohio Scottish Arts School from June 24th-July 3rd and Ky's going to Csehy. Before that I may visit Katie in Philly, and after OSAS perhaps come bug you Michiganders for a few days. Mom will be in Washington.
- Then in August we're going to Holland for a conference (which was awesome 5 years ago) at Mooi Rivier, which used to be called De Bron. It's pretty. And we'll be in Holland for a bit =) We don't know how long yet though, as the conference is a week and we may have to go other places after as well.
- THEN in October we might see DC or Texas relatives but that doesn't concern any of you except that I could possibly maybe might see Chelsea in DC which would be awesome.
Please pray that our passports would be hurried up and that all would go well for getting the India visas over the next couple months.
Please also pray just for people here in general. Things are so messed up. Not concerning me personally, but just with friend's friendships and relationships in general. It really needs to change and I don't know how to play into that but know I should.
I might get to see Enchanted XD
o-my. that's horrible bout the eisley gals. but, of course God did it for da best.
Why is Chad divorcing Sherri???! That's o sad... I thought they were crazy about eachother, or at least Sherri seemed to be.
So the good news is cool. I've always wanted to visit India... even though the conditions are really bad...
So you're going to Ohio? Where is Csehy?
And Enchanted is the best movie ever. And one of the people is Idina Menzel (Alpheba in Wicked). Yay!!
Oh, and why can't Dahlia Oz keep 'er dresses?
Csehy is in PA.
*dances* I can't wait to go... to Csehy, Holland, AND India.
He was as smitten as she was when they married, and I man of God I believe. I don't know what happened.
My camp is in Oberlin, Ky answered the other question...
The dresses...cause I sell Blythe clothes ;) I do make Dahlia pretty ones too though, like the one in the other picture, with the books. That's her 'debutant dress' haha.
that is soo sad! they weren't even married that long.
and why is the engagment broken off?
how exciting! india! how wonderful!
ok, will pray. :)
nice dresses
whoa. that was weird Jessicas post-
and why is the engagment broken off?
how exciting!
that how much i read and freaked out.
haha, yea.
I don't know...about Adam and Chauntelle. All I know is that it was his decision. Both the girls are so lovely and awesome, it's hard to believe.
It is sad. Life is highly unpredictable. Full of suprises, both good and bad
I'm sure none of them expected this to happen
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