Saturday, August 12, 2006

...I get tired of subjects...

Well, I shan't be able to post pictures here very often because the stupid thing won't let me....oh, well. I will just have to paint better word pictures

Yesterday, Friday, was church, as the weekend here is Thursday-Friday. Soon it is changing to Friday-Saturday though. Church will still be on Fridays. It's confusing...

I plan to memorize the music before I join the Dubai Pipe Band, but I'm not even sure how it will work because currently there is something we have to attend on Monday nights when they practice, though both might change after the weekend switch...we'll work something out....

Oh, and I've been looking into belly dancing. My parents still think I'm joking though, so I don't know if I'm really allowed! It would just be for fun and excercise, I would never perform even if the studio did recitals. Belly dancing is a lot more fun than pilates, and just as good excercise. Plus, I've got to do some form of dance to survive!!

Emails from friends are flooding in and I love that. Today has been boring so that has kept me from moping about. One of these days I will have a chance to think, but I don't plan on breaking down. I truly like it here, and I will just have to get used to missing people and emailing them. Grr, that's hard though. I especially miss the band though; Cabar Feidh. Also my best friends....Sara, Aubrey, Alley, and, of course, AJ.

Aubrey's beginning tenor drumming I think. Anyway....

The haze here is geting on my nerves. I want to see that gorgeous, rich,blue desert sky!! And tis all covered in a blanket of humidity, pollution, and raised sand from the construction (which is EVERYWHERE).

Yay!! Some pictures just appeared. Maybe I will just have to be patient. But in the meantime, I will be updating a photo page on my other site. It is usually where I just put my poems and things for my friends to read, but it's easy to get photos up there.

This thing is ALL OVER. It's rather the airport, in the shopping centres, and I am assuming in the malls although I haven't been to any's the "Dubai Summer Surprises" character thing. Blehwhatever.

I took this from the Emirates plane.

There were many lovely clouds...I couldn't open the window much though because people were sleeping. Thankfully, I got a little sleep as well. I'm almost over jet lag now. At least, I think so.

It is so hot! Like being in a sauna constantly, except that you cannot get out f it. Inside it is quiet cold, though. My room is chilly at night because we don't want to turn down the AC too much because it heats up quickly when the sun rises. Still, the AC is such a blessing and very effective.

All our compound is pilots, most are westerners. I love all the accents. When driving out there are many buses of laborers. None are Emirati; they are all Pakistani, Indian, Asian. Most maids are Asian or Pakistani. The Emirati people are very wealthy, and usually wear traditional dress, but very fancy. (such as, for ladies, abayas with diamonds on them, and the women are allowed to fix their head coverings in public and let their bangs show)

It is the non-western expats who do the construction, and there is so much of it! The tallest building in the world is being build here, and at a rate of a few stories per week! There are things being built centres, housing developments, hotels.

We pass the Burj al Arab often. It's so pretty....I've seen the inside on a tourist film, and that's probably all I'll ever see! It's a 7 star hotel.

I haven't been to the beach yet. It's very hot to swim in, but it gets chilly in the winter (if you are climatized, which we won't be for some time!!). For us the winter will be like summer back home, at least the first year.

The pool in our compound is very large and nice, but is usually used in the winter because it doesn't have a cooler (!!). I swam in it last night and it was very warm, and so it's not fun for very long.

Perhaps when I get out more I will be able to write more comprehensive and interesting thoughts. Hopefully pictures will work more soon too....


P.S. To Tim, Heather, Raya; all of those who were on myspace...sorry, I can't get to it here. The government blocks a lot of sites. Oh, well, you'll just have to email!!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the myspace doesn't work. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I took that picture!