Light tunnel to international terminal in Detroit....

Last glimpse of the US.

Dubai from the air:

This is a Target-type store.

See, in the house was the interesting cutting board.

I will post much more later but right now I have to go!
I will post much more later but right now I have to go!
WELL THATS JUST FABBITY FAB FAB YOU MADE IT OVER ALL RIGHT!!!!!One day i hope to go see you or you returning just for a fab time in the states!we all miss you!The pics are fab!cant wait to see more!maybe put some in your piczo site eh?lol!of course we will stay in good touch and write often!I with you were here cause tim is always singing"your beautiful"where ever when ever!im going mad!lol.Well surprizingly i have no more words in my head....maybe not so surprizing....theres nothing up there...but anywho,i shall ttyl!how do u say good bye over there?well cheerio for now!
Well i know one of the MANY things i will miss is you competing...the way you marched in your solos...vair vair unique.well i could go on forever...but i will go now byeeeez!OOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXX!
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