Sunday, January 27, 2008

risk and fairytales

Love is the overflow of joy in God that meets the needs of others.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

Both of those are quotes from John Piper that I really like. They are so helpful in every day things too.

There's also a quote by C.S. Lewis that partly says "To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken." It's a risk to love anything or anyone, or even make a friend. But Lewis says later, "The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers of hell." I think that's why love of any kind has to be selfless, like it says in Corinthians...because you know there is a risk and you believe it's worth taking for the best of the other person.

Was just thinking about that today.

I love this graphic. Though if you look closely, it's somewhat sad.

Another thing I've been thinking about today (among many things!) was fairytales. That may sound funny, but really, to think through them. No, they aren't at all rational, but they are so innocent and nice because they all are perfect and happy and it's ok because everyone knows it's a fairytale. But that doesn't mean we have to ignore them either, because otherwise it would be plain pessimism - no one lives 'happily ever after' in the most technical sense of what that would mean, but there is still so much joy in life, no matter what the circumstances. Sometimes I think that thinking that way is childish, but I'm beginning not to mind anymore. It is still hard to get over the fact that others may not see it (and therefore me and others) the same way, but it's alright. I've never outgrown fairytales, Disney princess movies, enjoying dressing up with friends, or (most significantly in the past year!) dolls. There is still great pleasure to be found in seeing someone smile, seeing red leaves, making someone laugh, and so, so many other things...and just being optimistic in general. Perhaps if there were no pessimists in the world we would never get much done, but that's not to say anything bad about optimists. My optimism drives my mom crazy sometimes, but it is possible to be joyful and take things seriously. Not to say I or anyone else is always a bundle of sunshine because that is most definitely very untrue!
But God did say to "rejoice always," so I'm going to try to; even though there are things to be unhappy about right now, because there definitely are. I think trusting Him is part of what rejoicing is about, because you cannot honestly do one without the other.

Not really sure where I was going with that or why, but those were some thoughts of the day that wanted going through.

with love,


leahgrace; said...

i like da pic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cait,

This is the first time I've been on your blog. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! =)

~Annaka (from AP)

Cait said...

Hey Annaka, glad you came =)

Leah, I know, it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

Sweet pic. And sad...
Cait, are you on AP?

Cait said...

Anna - yes, I'm on AP.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... what's your username?

leahgrace; said...

doesn't seem like she want to tell youz!lol