what happened to all of the mothers, oh where have they gone?
there are too many men dancing around in their crowns
the children are trying to teach them how to lay their pride down
how many times must we get lot in our lies?
can we open our eyes now?
and how many times must we get lost in our lives
can we open our eyes now?
well don't waste a day
don't waste a day to make change
a chance to make change, love
don't be a fool
keep your eyes open and then
we'll guide home the blinded man.
there are too many fires and too many fights in this town
what happened to poets and lovers, oh where have they gone?
there are too many thieves, crooks and thieves in this town
well the heroes they must have all died and turned into some kind of ghost town
how many times must we get lost in our lies?
can we open our eyes now?
how many times must we get lost in our lives?
can we open our eyes now?
well don't waste a day
don't waste a day to make change
a chhance to make change, love
and don't be a fool
keep your eyes open and then
we'll guide home the blind man
take your light and start a fire, oh
take your light and start a fire, oh
a fire
- Wesley Jensen
This is a really good song...musically and lyrically. What makes it even better (actually the only reason I got it originally) is cause Christie DuPree sings on it. She does harmony and the "too many fires" verse. Her voice is so unique and beautiful! She's an Eisley sibling so it's no wonder. You can hear the song on www.myspace.com/wesleyjensen
(disclaimer - the lyrics aren't available online so this was my rough estimate from typing while listening, imperfected)
I found an old five dollar bill of mine lying around in my room so I got five iTunes songs I'd wanted.
- This Town A Town So Obtuse - Wesley Jensen (for reasons stated above)
- Crushcrushcrush - Paramore (cause it's an amazing song musically...lyrically not so awesome)
- On Top of the World - Boys Like Girls (cause they actually do have talent)
- That's How You Know - Enchanted soundtrack (cause it's a fairytale song!)
- Letters to You - Finch (cause my friend Elisabeth said it was a good song and it is)
A Kiss From Mars by The Trailvan Hide
...which isn't a real band, it's Christie and Stacy DuPree being their musical selves. Still, Boyd put it up so I'm much enjoying listening to it. "We really come from Mars; I wasn't joking..." If you want it I'll get you the link.
Was sick today which wasn't fun at all, but still managed to get school done.
By the way, the boots came today, after giving up that they'd ever come and therefore been a waste. The only piece of Blythe clothing I own that isn't homemade.
with love,
P.S -
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
I saw a shirt that had that haiku on it.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
But this one doesn't.
hehe, anna ur do silly.
ah, paramore = luv <33
hey cait, do you know the band death cab for cutie? just wondering
haha! you stoled it from me!! lol
i just heard of boys like girls, but i never looked into them...
so what else has been up w/ you?
yesterday was the first time hearing boys like girls. i like 'em!<33
how come christie is not in eisley?
i didn't even know they had a younger sis.
idk .......... :\
*sigh* silly thing has deleted this three times. so in short -
- there's also Colin Dupree. He might not be musical...but either way, both he and Christie were really young then.
- Boys Like Girls has BEAUTIFUL vocals (especially on this one Imogen Heap cover) but lyrically not always so wonderful.
- Know of Death Cab for Cutie but haven't heard much, there's one song I loved though.
and Anna - sorry, didn't know you were on AP; who are you if you are?
On AP I'm 'bittersweet' but you know you can change it whenever so yea.
um, wat song?
i like I Will Follow You Into The Dark.
it's quite pleasent.
but, i haven't heard much by them either, so fer ll i know, they could be junk. :\
Some Day You Will Be Loved
I will follow you into the dark's video is in meh blog. it's a tiny vid on the side. =]
Anna and Cait: Anna's on the writing part, Cait's on the message board.
AH, that's what I'm missing. I was about to say, Are we talking about the same AP? but now I understand.
Get the whole Finch album. Its well worth it.
I would love the link to the song from Stacy and Christie. (:
my email is ummgrace@gmail.com
and that haiku is from threadless!
and paramore's first album's lyrics were so so much better.
did you hear Delaware? That ones about as good as 'this town'
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