Thursday, February 21, 2008

ocean + edit at the end

This morning I met my new Dutch tutor...was really nervous as I didn't know her and had really liked Henk and Sari, who just left. But she was very nice and it went pretty well! It will take some getting used to of course. Those of you I haven't talked to about it before - why am I learning Dutch? Cause it's the awesomest sounding language =P No seriously, I do love how it sounds, but the reasons are many. Number one is that I needed a language for school aside from Latin (hence the "whatever sounds coolest" route). Also, when we were in Holland in 2003 (wow, five years ago already) I was amazed - in the bad way - at how liberal it was and everything, even just by being there ten days in a little secluded conference center or around Amsterdam and Leiden. Awhile after that my dad and I were reading about L'Abri (look it up, founded by Francis Schaeffer) and I was like...they should have one of these in Holland. So dad said "Found one!" thankfully they actually already have a L'Abri there! Anyway, since then I've had this idea of working with youth or prostitutes or l'Abri or something there. Actually anywhere - I don't know if that's where God wants me yet, whether it's innercity Seattle or Amsterdam or Dubai or like Timbucktoo, but that's the kind of thing I want to do (though still want to be a stay-at-home mom), and in the meantime Dutch is still a cool language for a school credit.

- written on Friday -

By the way, I saw P.S. I Love You a couple weekends ago with people from church -- don't watch it, definitely not worth it. Would make a great edited film though! I'm watching Ocean's 11 for the first time right now, it's awesome (but without the language please?).

The talk at Oasis (and this morning) was really good. I'm getting more and more sad by the cliqueness of Oasis though. Though since struggling with friends I've begun talking to more newer/different/younger people which is good...I think that may be how things can change, just going outside the circles.

Ok, going to go now because I can't write when I'm confused. Sigh.
Enough of me, tell me how you all are.

love, cait.

Worried right now, but everything is in God's hands.
Oceans 11 was brilliant. Still could do with editing.
All votes so far are toward getting the hair cut.

I got permission to look into getting a cat!
Cait is happy in that regard =P I've been begging for ages.


Kiwibob said...

I really wouldn't be suprised if your dutch now surpasses mine. Still don't have that much of a grasp on the language, most of it just goes over my head and I end up saying 2 simple words. 'English please'.
Also Holland has been improving lately, been talking to the more youthful people in my church (25ish) and a new government came in and did some good changes. Good place to be, stuff happening.

Cait said...

Well, I know random words and phrases but not really enough to be put into an actual conversation either. It is going faster now though. Maybe I can practice at the conference this summer.

That's awesome! I pray for it every day.

Kiwibob said...

a phew phrases... better then me.