We also played Mafia, and I was mafia, always more fun. Towards the end I was accused but the only defense I could give was to whisper "I can't talk," so was voted guilty, rightly of course.
A few photos -

playing with James W (his sticks were "eating the ants")

Ok, for you two I am listening to Demon Hunter right now. Still don't like all of the screaming but his voice is really good. Anberlin, Flyleaf, RED, and Thrice are about as far as I can go with the screaming so far; we'll see. I like Fading Away, Carry Me Down, and My Heartstrings Come Undone though.
You all have to see this. A friend of Eisley directed it, and took Christie to the Grammy's with him. He didn't win, though he was nominated. They had to learn their parts (singing, drumming, playing) backwards full speed so it would look right filmed backwards and then switched around....has some cool effects as a result.
Been drawing loads of stuff for our well group service project but I can't show you till they're out. Na na na na. The whole idea is pretty sweet though, and we planned more last night.
New dress design and awesome boots.
take care
But I believe there is something here to be learnt of grace
'Cause I can't help but love you
Even with a heart that breaks
Like the promises that you made
My God, what a world you love . . .
- from an As Cities Burn song I've never heard but thought the chorus lyrics were great.
P.S. Please pray, things are getting to a weirder point with the friends and I'm not sure what to do.
The pink eyes are scaring me.
Great pictures! Looks like you had a swell time. =)
Demon Hunter and RED?? Nice. =P lol
I pray for ya every night! God bless!
-Aj. (~Annaka)
Cute dress! =D
ohhh my goodness. i do not like scorpions.
God had his angels around you guys!
whoa, that video was cool.
bummer they didn't win...
lol dh has a handful of good songs.
the tide began to rise is good...
i like beheaded...MHCU, (of course) and a few more... lol.
that is a cute dress.
i'll be praying.
Thanks so much for praying you guys.
Ah, I miss campouts. And sand. and warm weather. Pretty much everything in Dubai.
Oh and scorpiams are cool. I had a pet one once. :)
Will be praying
mind the terrible spelling. Thats what comes from living in a place where they all speak dutch. *Scorpions
Hehe, well I'm sure they'd laugh at our Dutch spelling.
i likey da dressy.
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