Creepy photo but the best tea ever. It's (apparently Chinese) milk tea with tapioca balls in it which come with the tea through a wide straw. It's so different. Our new favourite.
Kyleigh doesn't appreciate my amazing pink retro sunglasses.
So, the No Talent Show was last night and it was pretty fun. Some of the most interesting acts were -
- 'Airplane,' the hilarious skit Lindie and her little brother did.
- Daniel playing the guitar with a violin bow
- Ky and Sarah's beautiful Pachelbel's Canon with oboe and violin
- the Irish dance (Vashti, Hannah, Kyleigh) choreographed that morning with lots of fun
- Mitch and Denis's stunning guitar/drum piece (Wes's drum duet with Denis was cool too)
- the Beaver song...I cannot tell you how glad I was after seeing it that I refused to participate! The chicken dance at DC 2006 was embarrassment enough for these two years. They did wear cute little masks, but Jarod's dancing was...something...
Kyleigh and I played The Foggy Dew. Her guitar was pretty, of course, and the singing went alright I think, though I faltered once. People seemed to really like it which was encouraging. Sonja said it was 'haunting and depressing,' which is perfect, because the purpose of any singing is to tell a story, and in this case it was a haunting (though inspiring) story about the valiant men of Ireland (see lyrics at the end of the post). Having sung this song for the past five years, we learned a new tune for it on Saturday and performed that one.
Dahlia is undergoing surgery and I will report at length about that in time. Also I should have the video of The Foggy Dew at some point.
As down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I,
Their armed lines of marching men
In squadrons passed me by.
No pipe did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its loud tattoo
But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey swells
Rang out in the foggy dew.
Right proud and high o’er a Dublin sky
Hung they out a flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through;
While Brittania's Huns with their long-range guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew.
And the bayonets flashed and the rifles crashed
As the incoming soldiers win
In a land of rain seven tongues of flame
Did shine o’er the lines of steel
By each shining blade a vow it was made
‘To Ireland we will remain true’
When morning broke still the war flag shook
Out its fold to the foggy dew.
The bravest fell, and the requiem bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Easter-tide
In the springing of the year.
While the world did gaze with deep amaze
At those fearless men but few
Who bore the fight for freedom's light
Might shine through the foggy dew.
And back through the glen I rode again
And my heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men
Whom I never shall see more
But to and fro
In my dreams I go
And I oft-times think of you
For slavery fled
Oh, glorious dead
When you fell in the foggy dew