Tuesday, February 05, 2008


We've been completely without internet since Thursday night because 4 submarine cables were cut in the gulf. Right now I'm on the dial up for a few minutes. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. In the mean time it provides more useful time for reading and sewing =) I read Phantom of the Opera which I bought on sale around Christmas. It was lovely and really different from the musical or movie, both of which I really like....however, I couldn't read it at night without regretting it! Was a pretty intense/suspenseful/creepy book!

I also finally recorded a song I wrote a couple years ago, which should be somewhere for you all to hear soon.
much more to write but I shouldn't take the time now.


leahgrace; said...

wow. O__o
no iNtErneT fEr dAyZ?!
i don't think i could handle that. plus my BF in chicago would think i'm ingoring her er sumthing. :\

Anonymous said...

you know someone in Chicago?

Anonymous said...

Ah, your poor dear! O_o
I hope you get it back soon!


Cait said...

Annaka - Thanks =) me too. It's not too bad though, like I said, much more constructive uses of time!

leahgrace; said...

why, yes Anna.
She's aWes0mE!!
her name is spencer.

Anonymous said...

YOU READ PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! THAT'S GREEEEAT!!! The book is SOOOOOOO good, except it doesn't have any music. :( But other than that it's THE BEST!!!!!!