Saturday, February 16, 2008

the *whisper* campout and V-SMASH

The campout was interesting! Overall was fun. In some ways sad because of everyone who isn't here.
In points -

- Friends. Was good, I spent a lot of time with Sonja, Ashley, and Cathy. Also tried to talk to Nico, this new-ish kid who's very shy. With the harder situations, still technically the same but theoratically should be better cause we talked about it a little bit, but not really.

- Pranks. Hehe. Mr. Blough had some brilliant ideas that we didn't have time for since they didn't have the stuff at the gas station, which was where we thought of everything. Ash and I did, however, still have three bottles of food colouring and two bottles of almond and rose extract. It was awesome, Kenneth and Mitch's reactions to it was hilarious. Kenneth accused Jennifer of drinking his sprite with lipgloss on and then it flavouring the soda, and Mitch spat it all over the place. We only did it in the morning but oh well, it was fun and there weren't really any pranks going on in any case (which is a good thing probably).

- Well, I completely lost my voice. It got very annoying, sounding like a frog if I attempted speaking. By the end of Friday I couldn't talk at all, and I can still only whisper. Thankfully that's all that's left of the sickness, but I was sad not being able to more fully participate in the hours of amazing worship we had under the stars.

- Duning was nice; I went in Dad's car both days. It was fun, except I sounded retarded screaming without a voice, so then I just hummed instead which people found really funny. We went on some pretty huge dunes; cool but scary. We drove to bagpipe music =D Went to the place we were at in January, but also some even bigger ones across the road. I got to drive on the way out.

Should have campout pictures as soon as I can steal them from somebody ;)

Thursday was NYPE. It was very good! Donny spoke which was great cause she's my well group leader and I love her. The whole thing was set around love, because it was Valentine's Day, and her talk was about dating and courtship. They asked people to define courtship and dating, and everyone in my group immediately started yelling and pointing at me so I had to. There was also a series of short YFC videos about it. I enjoyed Donny's talk because it was challenging as well as encouraging, and she wasn't afraid to say things or go around them, and it's something that's really close to her heart. I don't know what everyone thought of it though.

Daddy gave us each a rose and mom baked him brownies =)
Valentine's day makes me think of V-smash, model of Blythe doll. Lame, I know. But hey, it's Blythe, can't be too bad. It also reminds me of a "roses are red" thing that a friend came up with last year.

Roses are red, violets are blue
But neither taste very good.

Are you all well?

Are we left here on our own?
Can you feel when your last breath is gone?
Night is weighing heavy now
Be quiet and wait for a voice that will say

Come awake, from sleep arise
You were dead, become alive
Wake up, wake up, open your eyes
Climb from your grave into the light
Bring us back to life
You are not the only one who feels like the only one

Night soon will be lifted, friend
Just be quiet and wait for a voice that will say
Rise, rise, to life, to life

Light will shine
Love will rise
Light will shine, shine, shine, shine
He’s shining on us now
- David Crowder


Anonymous said...

Roses are red
Violets are actually purple...
Does anything rhyme with purple???
~Aubrey Cherry

leahgrace; said...

rosez awre red
Voilets awre purple...
and i'm a Twirple.
not a real word, but it rhymes

jbell7 said...

oh my goodness. i absolutly love that song.
haha. i love to pride myself in the fact that i aided in your love of david crowder band.
next will be demon hunter.
lol jk.
although there not to bad...

if you ever get the chance, you need to listen to their song, My Heart Strings Come Undone.
its very special to me. ;D

lol well, i ttus

Anonymous said...

score for demon hunter

Kyleian said...

What was it Mr. Blough came up with?

Cait said...

Anna/Aubrey, Leah - nice =P

Jessica - I'm forever indebted to you for that! To think I hated DC*B before. Been awhile now...and why is My Heart Strings Come Undone special to you? You can email me if you'd rather.

Kyleigh - Let's just say it wouldn't be REAL whipped cream or REAL powdered sugar on the pancakes in the morning.

Anonymous said...

haha, thank you Anonymous.
lol i take it ur a fan.

Anonymous said...

haha, and your welcome for that, cait. :D

Anonymous said...

what makes you think I'm a fan