good movie -

and good days.
A Tale of Two Cities is one of my all time favourite books, so having read it 5 times already really helps with studying it for school. Amelie is awesome, I would give warnings though.
Re my last post, thanks for praying, the talk went ok. I still don't know what's really going to happen but at least it's been approached and is 'technically' alright.
Dahlia Oz is having surgery soon...as soon as I can buy new eyelashes and a new set of eyechips. I'm going to slash her head open and cut up her eyes, pretty much, yea. =P No really, I'm going to open up her head, give her boggled eyes, sleep eyes, new eyechips and eyelashes. And no, it won't wreck her. You can do that with dolls...more proof she's not a little kid toy ;)
just a quick note as we're getting up at 5 tomorrow for the Easter sunrise service.
Hope you had a great Easter!
Haha, wow, that movie looks freaky.lol
Drink looks delicious! =P
I tried to read that book once. . . I think it was to long and boring for me to finish it. *embarashed grin*
-Annaka j.
Still praying for ya'! =)
Thanks, you too Annaka =)
Amelie isn't remotely scary, just funny, cute, and very different. Though not without faults.
Read a Tale of Two Cities! It is well worth your time...there is no detail in it that doesn't affect the story, and the incredible, redemptive ending is...yea, incredible. Worth any tediousness you might find in the first 300 pages =)
Well, good drink to start with, even though I haven't seen a starbucks in Holland yet, people tell me it exists, just not anywhere near me.
Never seen the movie before, but but must agree that it looks....disturbing. What does the title mean?
As for the book, heard its good, but never even started readying it, just looked too long.
Well, fortunately I didn't have to wake up that early, but the beach after the sunrise service was fun, got a nice sunburn, especially after the day before at the park, was starting to border on crispy.
Well, keep the good days rolling
P.S got my flights mixed, leaving thursday morning, not friday...so won't make oasis. Oh, and hope Surgery goes well
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