Thursday, April 03, 2008

her name is Sunny.


we leave for India on Friday morning (tomorrow!) and will get back the next Friday night; the 11th. if you think of it, please pray that -

- we would all be going willing to serve in every way we can
- there would be good dynamics between people in the team, probably my biggest worry
- we would all have good attitudes throughout the week
- physical protection, and physical, emotional, and spiritual health
- for me personally, that God would teach, stretch, and challenge me as well as it being a good and encouraging experience.

we're going to hopefully serve by building and various things near Bangalore.

In other news -

- Someone bought my first three Blythe dresses! So excited! I hadn't even put them on etsy; it was through TIB...she wanted all three petite ones and I just wanted to get rid of them. It was fun to package it up with my wrapping and add little extra things and everything.
- Today Elisabeth and I had our first voice session with Sarah B. It was really encouraging but it is decided we will do our lessons separately due to how different our voices are. What was cool was that Sarah asked if I wanted to work on some light opera and that I had the voice for it. That was a pleasant surprise =)
- Yes, kitten has a name now =) She and Eeyore have been introduced but aren't exactly BFF yet...Soon enough they'll get along.
- This evening since there was no Oasis, Philip, Sarah, Kyleigh, Hannah, Jonni, and I had a meeting for Submerge...since no one else responded. It was still very productive though, as a lot of things needed discussing that may make the topic more conducive to be discussed by the whole team. We talked about what worship is, leadership on and off the stage, and how being successful and effective as worship leaders is separate from how we sound musically, even though that is important. Also the things that have made Submerge go downhill or could serve to help us glorify God more.



Kiwibob said...

Best of luck in India. I will definately be praying. Hope its fun.

Finally named the cat eh? I still like the idea of calling her steak

Anonymous said...

Praying! =)

Annaka j.

Kiwibob said...

Well, you're gonna be back soon, so I'll leave a message. Hope it all went well and all. Write a blog about the happenings of India.

Been praying
