...but don't know if I want to tell you all collectively, as that often makes it not seem as special or comes across as bragging.
School has given me a lot of work lately, catching up from India and being sick, and trying to get ahead (but I'm done now), plus have tons of music work now, having practiced pipes for the first time in ages and also having to do with the news I alluded to but don't feel like writing on a blog of all places. Whatever.
Kyleigh took these awesome photos of Sunny. She's a very demanding kitten, and meows constantly when she wants to be held. It's very hard to cuddle a cat while running around the room trying to get ready for bed, but there's no quiet if I don't!
Hamlet was...mediocre. Not really worth reviewing. That said it was "Hamlet for Kids" so it's only fair. I would have much preferred a Shakespearean troup to a goofy comedy version including music. Ophelia looked the part but only kind of acted it =P
Will be taking tons of pictures in Venice.
Sorry about the new word verification thing; I was getting tired of deleting spam comments.
with love,
P.S. Two of the Eisley girls and their little sister were in a music video by Somebody Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and it's finally out. A bit mean but funny. Here.
Venice, very nice. Hope you enjoy it
You'll learn kittens are too full of energy, but when they grow up they get lazy.
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oh, my bad about the song.
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