Granted, I've only seen it (twice) on the airplane, where it was edited, which is probably a good thing. Christian reviews on it were very mixed, some saying the bad outweighed the good, some saying it was very refreshing. The latter is definitely the impression it left me with.
Basic plotline is Juno, 16, gets pregnant and after going to an abortion clinic (that scene is really cool; before going in a protester says "your baby has fingernails!" which surprises her and then inside, noises of fingernails (tapping, filing, scratching, etc) are heightened and she runs out) decides to have the baby and adopt it out. She wants the family to be perfect but eventually the husband tells her he's divorcing his wife and Juno is devastated but decides to give her the baby anyway (how much the wife wants it is one of the best parts of the movie). It's also the story of her and Paulie (her best friend/the baby's dad/later her boyfriend; kind of backwards...).
I'm not sure what I liked about it so much. Partly what she has to go through and deal with, which is obviously really hard (there's more to it too). Both times I was teary when she actually had the baby; it's just like...wow. I don't know. Anyway, really depends on the person; you could hate it or love it, but I loved it.
P.S. If you want to see all the Venice photos, they're on facebook.
Every birth is amazing hehe :) and im blessed i get to do it for a job :) :) :)
Indeed it is! And you seriously are blessed.
Venice looks so cool! The ones with pigeons reminded me of "Feed the Birds" on Mary Poppins.
im one of the people that loved juno too... the humor definitely makes it wonderful, and the soundtrack (which I bought):P
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