Sunday, March 02, 2008

here it is

Not the best photo but there...have offically decided I don't like the cut but oh well, will grow out soon enough. Donny and a few other people were saying it's more artsy and edgy and suits my personality but it still isn't really what I'd like.

I have news about my well group leader! But I can't tell you yet even though most of you don't know her =P
Sugar and Spice may be cancelled this weekend due to low numbers, sadly.
This weekend was ricidulously busy, but not bad. This morning I had the privilege of helping Donny go shopping; was fun because I got to take the three "babies" around while she shopped, and they are so sweet (though also wild and stubborn!). In school right now I'm kind of in a two-week period of busy-ness, but should slow down a bit in a week. I'm so ready for another break...or even just a break to catch up on studying. Our Easter holidy will be in April and we'll be in India which doesn't count (but is exciting). Also on Easter we probably won't get to go to Dreamland, which is sad. I'll have some subjects off school that week though, which will be nice.
Ok, tired.



Annabel Mundy said...

Hey, i just thought i'd say your poems are really good, i read them and i found them so interesting. I also like your drawings - they're really weird and abstract. I only started my own blog yesterday, oh yeah, My name is Annabel and i'm thirteen. I like to write too, i'm currently writing my own fantasy book, my blog kind of revolves around it. Just thought i'd compliment you on your great poems and stuff, and i like your hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look like a girl on LOST. (I love LOST now, so yeah)

leahgrace; said...

hate lost.

Cait said...

I don't watch Lost but that's the third person I've been told I look like since the cut.

Kiwibob said...

On the subject of haircuts, I got a trim today. Nothing big, maybe about an inch off or something.

Lost=lame My opinion

Cait said... you straighten it? =P

Anonymous said...

what is it with all you lost haters???

Kiwibob said...

well, it sits a little straighter, but I don't straighten it.

Name one good thing or realistic thing about lost...

Cait said...

Thought not...would be a bit strange if you did...

Anna - I've never seen it but Aubrey keeps saying I'd love it cause it's so 'weird.' I don't know about that and don't plan on watching it cause I'm not into tv and it's the not the show I'd pick. Nice that you enjoy it though =)

Anonymous said...

why does a tv show have to be realistic? who wants realistic?
personally i don't think it's even supposed to be realistic.
sorry if it sounds like i'm blowing up about hte comment, i'm really not. i get your point.
it's a very interesting, suck-you-in sort of show.

Kiwibob said...

k, each to their own. I'll stick to pulling all nighters watching alien movies etc.

Cait said...

That was somewhat entertaining =)